University of Trento

Project partner

The University of Trento (UT) was founded in 1962 and has always aimed at building alliance and reciprocal efficiency with Italian and foreign institutions and organizations.

There are more than 16,000 students, about 600 professors and researchers and the same number of technical and administrative staff: these numbers indicate that the University can provide an ideal environment for study and research.

The University is organized in 11 departments and 4 centers. The Departments promote, coordinate and manage the University educational and research activities. Moreover, they govern the relations with external authorities and institutions, fostering knowledge transfer. Among those the Department of Physics coordinates the Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD’s Degrees in Physics, and offers academic lectures for the disciplines within its competence to other degree courses of the University.

The Nanoscience Laboratory (NL) main areas of research are neuromorphic photonics, integrated quantum photonics, linear and nonlinear silicon photonics, non-Hermitian photonics and nanobiotechnologies. The mission of NL is to generate new knowledge, to develop understanding and to spin-off applications from physical phenomena associated with photons and their interactions with matter, particularly when it is nanostructured. NL covers the whole value chain from fundamental phenomena to device applications, where the photonic platform is compatible with the main driving silicon microelectronic technologies.