Towards an excellence centre on quantum photonics in Latvia (ToEQPL)

Quantum Photonics Excellence

The project aims to establish a roadmap for the creation of a Centre of Excellence for Quantum Photonics in Latvia which can bridge the field of quantum algorithms and photonics together.

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Funded by the European Union

Main project goals and Milestones

  • Research Excellence

    Toward quantum photonics centre of excellence

    10 year scientific and applied research roadmap with partners, strengthen research management and administration capacity, towards high-impact scientific publications, raise the research profile of the staff (young researchers), infrastructure, funding acquisition, to close the still research and innovation gap within the European Union

  • Innovation

    Improved creativity supported by development of new approaches

    Enabling of technology transfer, expansion from fundamental to applied research, collaboration with start-up hubs and organizations, communications with local industries and other stakeholders. Strong focus on low power quantum photonics sources.

Outreach and Dissemination

Promote ISSP as an attractive partner for R&D&I

  • Regional and International Networking: Establish ISSP as regional leader in quantum photonics

    Well-established environment for research and innovation, and a modern and attractive partner for entrepreneurs, scientists, investors. Collaboration with local industries to create national ecosystem in quantum photonics.

  • • Recognition

    Well recognised and known in Baltic States and beyond by entrepreneurs, scientists, investors, and policy makers.

    • Awareness And Reputation

    Public awareness and reputation of ISSP and the Project in the eyes of regional society will be promoted, to generate positive feedback on Research and Innovation activities of ISSP in a large audience.
    • 10 years

      The current project roadmap
    • 4 partners

      International project
    • .....

      Here goes your text ...

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    Project Partners

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    Meet our Advisory Board Members

    Team members

    Our esteemed Advisory Board brings together industry leaders, experts, and innovators who provide strategic guidance and insights to drive our project's success. Their expertise helps shape our vision, ensuring impactful growth and innovation.

    Costanza Toninelli


    She focused on the enhancement and control of light-matter interaction through the coupling of single quantum emitters to photonic structures. She studies single molecules, able to deliver one photon at a time, with different optical properties at low and at room temperatures.

    Ruth Oulton


    Her research interests centre around the use of solid-state quantum emitters that interact with light, for quantum technology applications.

    Martijn Heck


    He is a globally recognized and internationally oriented expert in photonic integration, with broad experience in ground-breaking basic research, applied research and technology transfer. He has specific interest in the application of this technology in sensors, microwave and terahertz photonics, quantum technology, and interconnects.

    Philipp Walter


    Photonic quantum computation and quantum simulation; Quantum-enhanced cybersecurity; Development of scalable quantum photonic technology; Experimental investigation of the interface between quantum physics and gravity

    Christoph Becher


    He work in the fields of optical spectroscopy and quantum optics with colour centres in diamond, quantum photonics with microresonators in diamond and nonlinear optics with single photons with the aim of making colour centres in diamond and single photons available for applications in quantum technologies.

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